Asher’s big stretch!

When Asher wakes up for a diaper change, or to nurse, or for any reason has his clothes taken off,  he stretches just like you and I do when we wake up.  We’re stretching to alert our nervous system it’s time to get ready for action.  It’s a practical move, by a pragmatic new born.  When Asher does it I have to say it is amazingly cute.  Check him out here when his mom was getting ready to change his diaper.

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What do I think?

So you ask me what do I think?  What do I think about this whole thing?  This place called earth?  Well it’s taking some time to get adjusted, for me and for you.  When I was in mom’s belly I was floating like I was in a pool, a small pool.  I didn’t fuss much, for food, to be changed.  Everything was taken care of for me.  Mom would eat and I’d let her know I’d eaten to with a few kicks and flips.  Now I have to start sucking on my hands, raising my voice to let you know I’m hungry.  In mom’s belly everything was muted.  Movement and sound were softer and duller.  Now I have to endure my dad putting and taking off clothes and diapers.  He’s decent at it, but sometimes I think he forgets I’m 8 lbs and he’s 188.  My little fingers have trouble guiding themselves through sleeves.  In moms belly no one messed with my attire.  I am enjoying being on the outside.  I’m enjoying entertaining my parents with my cute gestures and coos.  So you asked what I think and I’ve been sitting here with my index finger touching my lip in deep thought.  I think this whole thing is pretty amazing.  I’m enjoying myself.

What do I think? I’m enjoying myself.

Falling asleep at the wheel

Here’s a picture of mom and I after I’ve fallen asleep at the wheel. I tend to do that. I get that big dose of oxytocin from mom’s breast milk and just can’t keep my eyes open. Sometimes I recover which can be evidenced by my swallowing muscles. I’m working on developing those to championship level.


Pictures of me!

My dad wanted to share some pictures with you.

He used Google Sites to put this together.  He likes it because it’s pretty easy to take a picture on the phone, upload the picture right from the phone to Google+, then move it to an album and once part of the album it will show up on this website.  He thinks it’s going to make it easy to keep everyone current with my progress going from a 1 day old to 10 days, then 100 days old and beyond.

Thanks for all the nice notes sent back to me.  I have enjoyed having these read to me by my dad.